Have a colleague or student that needs recommending for their outstanding contributions? Use Check to help in crafting a stellar letter of recommendation.
Need to prepare for Student Graduation Certificates (SGC) or perhaps testimonials to be added in students' report cards? Check helps in creating unique testimonials across different students.
Have important announcements or call-to-actions that you need all staff or students to take note? Use Check to deliver professional sounding emails to the masses.
Do not have the best command of English yet want to ensure that the questions you've set can be easily understood by students? Check's proofreader does the hard work for you.
Have important announcements that needs to be quickly conveyed to other parties? Check ensures that you lay out clear ground rules and instructions for others to follow.
Setting up experiments require strict yet clear standard operating procedures (SOPs). Use Check to proofread and set clear instructions for incoming students to follow.
Read up on some commonly asked questions regarding administrative tasks here.
Why are there so few tools for administrative tasks?
Fret not, we are in the midst of designing and innovating more administrative tools for you. At this point in time, as we are looking to maximize value in helping educators create content and to better administer help through deploying their own AI tutor, our hands are tied!
Can I link the email crafter to my Gmail/Outlook?
Unfortunately, this functionality is not available at the moment, but we recognize the immense value of being able to do such and are actively working on creating a seamless integration.
How does Check help me to settle my administrative work?
Check leverages AI to generate your desired email replies, well-worded texts and letters of recommendation. This saves you time while ensuring a sense of professionalism is conveyed to others.
Why can't I generate these administrative tasks in ChatGPT instead?
While ChatGPT can generate simplified versions of these, Check is specifically designed for educators, offering more advanced features tailored to education needs. Check provides syllabus alignment, and understands the context and situation of an educator that go beyond the general capabilities of ChatGPT.
Can I edit the output generated by Check?
Yes, all output created by Check are fully editable. For now, you just need to click on the 'Copy' icon and paste the content into any text editor to give your own spin.
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