Deploy your own AI tutor

Students know that AI is the future - why not equip them with a credible AI source that is trained by you.

No-code, hassle-free

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Build your database

Upload your own set of materials and resources for the AI to learn and teach from - all uploads are encrypted and safely protected from the public.
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Create learning modules

Break the spoon-feeding issue of AI models by creating AI-enabled modules that guide students to the correct answer.
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Deploy and relax

Each AI Tutor comes with a unique access code, send this to your students to let them ask away 24/7.

A new approach to teaching

Deploy your own AI assistants and have them work for you.

Generate precise content

Say bye to repeated prompting of ChatGPT to get slightly close to your desired output. Our core model is pre-trained on the PSLE, GCE and IB syllabus.
Take ownership

Trained by the teacher in charge

Take control of your own AI tutor by training it to learn and respond from your own expert materials and resources.
Learning modules

A smarter way for your students to learn

Every AI Tutor comes with built-in learning modules. Students can generate flashcards, quizzes and more, based on your materials.
Specialised AI models

Cultivate learning, not spoon-feeding

Encourage students to use other in-house AI models that train critical thinking or deep reasoning.
Insightful Analytics

Track and learn from your students' conversations

Every AI Tutor comes with built-in learning modules. Students can generate flashcards, quizzes and more, based on your materials.

Frequently Asked Questions

Read up on some commonly asked questions regarding AI tutor here.

What is an AI Tutor? 
AI tutors are becoming a hot topic - imagine after having taught a complex and difficult topic, you have 30 students sending you messages with different questions. You must be thinking - I have other classes to teach, papers to mark, surely there is a way to outsource these? 

With Check's AI Tutor, now you can.

An AI tutor handles these questions and can go to the extent of breaking it down into an easy-to-understand manner for students, or to challenge high-ability students on the subject matter. All this, without you needing to lay a finger.
Why is Check's AI Tutor unique?
We know deep down that existing AI models like ChatGPT and Gemini are not great - they don't teach the student, neither are the responses accurate to what is being taught in class. With Check's AI tutor, you can not only train your AI on your own material, but create learning modules (prompts) that aid in the student's learning beyond the classroom. Not to mention, key terms and concepts produced by the prompt is highlighted to guide students in deeper thinking.

The added flexibility allows you to curate an AI model that you can call your own.
How does Check's AI tutor benefit the student?
An AI tutor adds substantial value to a student's educational outcomes - both grades as well as the process of learning. With Check's AI tutor, students are able to cultivate responsible AI usage and learn from AI the correct way (instead of simply waiting to be fed the answer).
How much does it cost to deploy my own AI tutor?
Our AI tutor currently comes bundled with our enterprise plan. You may enquire more via our contact form or dropping us an email at and we will let you know more details on the pricing.
Is it possible to monitor or track what my students ask my AI tutor?
Yes, we are currently working on this feature just as you clicked on this FAQ. We will update all teachers once this feature is released.

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Join dozens of educators improving their students' lives with Check.